Home > Han’s Laser Employee Program

Employee plan

Concept of Right and Wrong, Empathy, Responsibility, Entrepreneurship

  • Have your own opinions and principles about right and wrong

  • Have empathy

  • Take the initiative to take responsibility for things, don’t shirk, cover up, or cheat

  • responsible, act.

Social Security

Purchase five insurances and one housing fund for each employee, and purchase commercial insurance for employees such as transportation, personal accident insurance, and supplementary medical insurance for major diseases.
At the same time, the company launched a welfare protection plan for the spouses and children of Han’s employees, the insurance benefits their families, and maximizes the protection of employees and their families

taxation planning

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Health Plan

The company cares about the health of its employees, and will provide free health checkups and health consultations for employees in 2021

Employee Development

Empower employees, provide a series of training for employees at all levels, enhance employee skills, and improve employee quality